Photo by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

This is the abbreviated version of my CV. Full version available on request

About me


April 2018 to present: Web Developer, Freelance

Currently serving a number of clients to build and maintain Ruby on Rails, Laravel and Angular (1.6) projects. Involved with planning and working with a trusted network of design, marketing and UX specialists to deliver maintainable and extensible web applications across a number of industries.

Recent projects include:

April 2016 to March 2018: Web Developer, Foundry

Worked on multiple SaaS applications, WordPress sites and front-end applications using PHP, JavaScript, Ruby and more. Responsibilities include scheduling, project management and delivery and client meetings.

April 2015 to March 2016: Freelance Web Developer

Worked on a number of Laravel applications around participation in sport. Work with MyMediaLab (later foundry) led to employment.

January 2013 to March 2015: Web Developer, MacAce

Product development on a popular cloud storage and hosting solution. Used Agile methodologies to implement new features and maintain existing infrastructure.

January 2011 to January 2013: IT Technician, Wadebridge School
January 2010 to January 2011: IT Technician, Cardiff County Council

Previous employment unlisted.


Code Club

Helped to run a code club at a local school. Duties included teaching and mentoring primary age students in the use of Scratch, JavaScript and Python. Strong emphasis on the Raspberry Pi.

Mission To Mars


Mentored a work experience week with young people (aged 14-18) who are interested in technology fields. The week offers a chance to experience agile methodologies and software development practices using Arduino-powered robots designed to emulate Mars rovers.

The students learn to complete user stories, create and test acceptance criteria and manage team budget and burndown using purpose-built dashboard software.

Open Source

I’m a keen open source contributor and try to regularly contribute to projects I use and admire. An example of projects I’ve contributed to:

24PullRequests - “Give little gifts of code for Christmas” encouraging participation in open source contributing and supporting the maintainers of some of the software many of us take for granted.

canned - File-based canned responses for JSON APIs. I’ve used this extensively for a project and have tried to return the favour with some contributions.

My website! - This site! Fully developed open source and published via Netlify.

Cornwall Ruby - The website for Cornwall Ruby, my recently-started Ruby Users Group here in Cornwall.


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